مارس 13, 2025

Earn To Die

Win the death to the desired new toy cars run over zombies diffuse and won races through the repair and Tzbit car according to the money available you kill the zombies to win and do not forget to fill the fuel to play through the stock and...

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Control the circle with the mouse collect purrple circles. Avoid blue ones every 10 circles collected there will be an explosion use it to wipe away blue circles. Press mouse button to activate bulle time. Control the circle with the mouse collect purrple circles. Avoid blue ones every 10 circles collected...

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Spa Care

You are going to run a spa salon in your town. So it is very important to know everything about all spa procedures. Your visitors will ask different services, and you have to bring them what they ask. Earn money, buy upgrades for your salon and make your visitors happy. Use your mouse to play. Drag...

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