مارس 13, 2025

Police In Rocket

Your goal is to turn all gray icons into color ones. Clicking on aicon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your mover carefully. Your goal is to turn all gray icons into color ones. Clicking on aicon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your mover careful...

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Your goal is to turn all gray icons into color ones. Clicking on aicon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your mover carefully. Your goal is to turn all gray icons into color ones. Clicking on aicon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your mover careful...

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名枪巴雷特3无敌版来了,加入了非常多的武器,地图也增加了一些,人物无敌,大家一起玩吧! 鼠标移动瞄准,按空格键开镜,鼠标左键射击(开镜状态下),Q键切换武器,R键换弹夹。未开镜状态下,需要用十字准心预先瞄准敌人的位置,不然开镜后鼠标可能划出...

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Your goal is to turn all gray icons into color ones. Clicking on aicon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your mover carefully. Your goal is to turn all gray icons into color ones. Clicking on aicon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your mover careful...

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The brush of Trementina

Trementina, our character of Dibujos.net has lost his brush, and without he couldn't color anymore. Help him find the way to find it and be able to paint again! Put the Trementina at the suitable position so that it can get the brush.Trementina will follow the lines, and will take turn whenever pos...

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The brush of Colorín

Colorín, our character of Dibujos.net has lost his brush, and without he couldn't color anymore. Help him find the way to find it and be able to paint again! Put the Colorín at the suitable position so that it can get the brush.Colorín will follow the lines, and will take turn whenever posib...

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Stick Tennis

Anyone for tennis?Easy to play yet difficult to master, Stick Tennis offers fast and fluid gameplay with realistic court surfaces and a huge range of unique player styles and characteristics.With just a simple click and flick of the mouse you’ll soon be thumping crosscourt winners, yet at the core of...

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Mini Sports Challenge

Run, jump, swim and paddle in 4 different competitions in this fun sports game. Prepare your fingers and your mind to this speed challenge. Press quickly ‘'a’ and ‘s’ to run, ‘r’ and ‘s’ to swim, and ‘space’ to jum and row. Can you get a gold medal in all sports?...

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Hot Shots

You are not Michael Jordan, so you need to train ! Listen to you coach and make as many baskets as you can before time runs out. Make at least ten baskets before time runs out. Any baskets over ten each level earns you extra poin...

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The Forest Girl

Walking on the forest’s paths is such a joy when all your dearest animals join you! Every single step you take, there’s always a friend there for you.. such a great confidence feeling! Welcome to the forest of happiness! Give it the colors that you love, kiss the boredom goodbye and color these amazing...

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Te crezi destept?

Te crezi destept - joc trivia, cu intrebari de cultura generala si cu intrebari din Biblie.Joc Trivia, cu multe întrebări din biblie, dar şi de cultură generală. La finalul jocului puteţi înregistra scorul şi văputeţi afla poziţia pe ziua curentă sau general. ~ 45 secunde pentru fiecare întrebare;~...

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smart phone survior

updated:smart phone weapon;a survivor game,fighting using smart phone,the smaller is phone version 1,the biger is phone version 10,Higher levels get progressively more difficult. player1 ASWD=Move J=punch K=jump player2 ↑↓←→=Move numpad 1=punch numpad 2=jump player3 numpad 7/8/9/5=Move pagedown=punch...

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The Zombie Dozen shooting game.holding and defend the zombie with your gun, kill many zombies with many type of weapons, get money by killing and shopping the new guns. Use only mouse controlling.holding and defend the zombie with your gun, kill many zombies with many type of weapons, get money by killing...

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Circus Gorilla

Your goal is to turn all gray icon into color ones. Clicking on a icon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your move carefully. Your goal is to turn all gray icon into color ones. Clicking on a icon will toggle iself and adjacent ones. Plan your move careful...

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Think you are smart?

You think you're smart - trivia game with questions and general knowledge questions. At the end of the game you can record your score and you can find the current day or general position. ~ 45 seconds for each question; ~ 1/4 can be used 2 times, the choice can be in the same question (50%) or other...

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Red Carpet Parking

A new and amazingly challenging parking game by Free-Game-Station.com . Your goal is to put the expensive car to the right place. As the famous people trust you with their expensive toy and will be very upset if you damage their car. Skirt around the obstacles and other prestigious cars....

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Cupid Typing 2

Updated:press any key to start.a funny typing game!Help cupid to collection the red hearts.Type out the correct spelling of each word. Higher levels get progressively more difficult. Good luck! more games on http://TimeAndGame.com Type out the correct spelling of each wo...

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smily word builder games

The languages of the word are simply the evolution of basic Communication. Languages have evolved throughout centuries and there are hundreds of languages in practice throughout the world. People identify themselves with languages and they form groups, states and even countries based on languages. However...

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越玩越健康,越玩越长寿的游戏每天五分钟,健康生活50年一款非常有意思的教育小游戏,游戏里将答题和动作格斗融合一体,游戏支持五个人一起玩,可以邀上朋友一起来试试噢。 玩家一:WASD控制移动,J键为攻击,K键为跳跃;玩家二:键盘方向键控制移动,1为攻击,2为跳跃;玩家三:数字小键盘7895控制移动,pagedown为攻击,end跳跃,玩家五:用鼠标选择正...

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Robotic Invasion Legacy

In this double game you must rescue the inhabitants of Greenytoria! Greeny must travel through grassy levels, the lurky undergrounds, desolate sand dunes and a giant pyramid. Greeny can shoot and jump, pick up items and use them in his quest to save his friends. At the end of each game awaits a tricky...

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Please, save me!

Your plane is in distress.The controls are inoperative.The only thing you can do is to drop the bombs and the missiles.Tries to save all your friends in danger.CLICK MOUSE to drop bombs and SPACE to launch the SUPER MISSILE.Good luck!TIPS & HELP: INFO (AT) VIDEO-GIOCHI.ORG HOW TO PLAY:CLICK MOUSE=...

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Logical Reasoning Kung Fu

Logic (from the Greek λογική logikē) refers to both the study of modes of reasoning (which are valid and which are fallacious)[2] and the use of valid reasoning. In the latter sense, logic is used in most intellectual activities, including philosophy and science, but in the first sense is studied primarily...

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Wheels On Fire

Fasten your seat belts and be prepared for a high-speed-experience. One simple goal: Go as far as possible. Step on the gas. Avoid the other cars on the street. Feel the power of speed. The game is fully controlled with the accelerometer. Do you have what it takes for THIS experience...? Use the cursor...

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Pumpkin Girl Dress Up

This year a young cute girl is counting on your creativity to help her decide upon the most amazing, original costume from her Halloween costumes collection, so get the Halloween party dress up game started and dress her up as a lovely and a funny-cute pumpkin and the list can go on! Use mouse to play...

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