مارس 13, 2025
/ / Stick Tennis

Stick Tennis

Stick Tennis
Anyone for tennis?

Easy to play yet difficult to master, Stick Tennis offers fast and fluid gameplay with realistic court surfaces and a huge range of unique player styles and characteristics.

With just a simple click and flick of the mouse you’ll soon be thumping crosscourt winners, yet at the core of Stick Tennis is a highly sophisticated physics engine that rewards tactical play.

New balls please! To serve click to toss up the ball then when it reaches the top, click and move the mouse in the direction you’d like to hit it. Use this same click and move technique to return balls.

To play a drop shot move the mouse downwards after hitting the ball.

It’s exactly the same on a trackpad except you don’t need to click on each shot and you can swipe a finger across it.

عن الكاتب :

شاب مغربي أحب كل جديد في عالم الانترنت من مواقع وبرامج واحب التدوين ودائما ابحث عن الجديد لتطوير مهاراتي في مختلف الميادين التي تعجبني لكي انقل معرفتي وتجاربي لآخرين حتى يستفيدوا بقدر ما استفدت انا ;)
الموضوع السابق :إنتقل إلى الموضوع السابق
الموضوع التالي :إنتقل إلى الموضوع القادم

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