مارس 13, 2025
/ / Jumping Bob

Jumping Bob

Jumping Bob
A nasty bird has kidnapped your girlfriend Lucy. It is your duty to rescue her. Move in a 2D platform world and turn off the switch to stop the chainsaw before she is killed. Touching any enemy or falling from too high results in death and the loss of one life. When all lives are gone you can continue the game but the score resets. You have to collect all the 11 keys to gain access to final level and face the nasty bird. A nasty bird has kidnapped your girlfriend Lucy. It is your duty to rescue her. Move in a 2D platform world and turn off the switch to stop the chainsaw before she is killed. Touching any enemy or falling from too high results in death and loss of one life. When all lives are gone you can continue the game but the score resets. You have to collect all the 11 keys to gain access to final level and face the nasty bird.

عن الكاتب :

شاب مغربي أحب كل جديد في عالم الانترنت من مواقع وبرامج واحب التدوين ودائما ابحث عن الجديد لتطوير مهاراتي في مختلف الميادين التي تعجبني لكي انقل معرفتي وتجاربي لآخرين حتى يستفيدوا بقدر ما استفدت انا ;)
الموضوع السابق :إنتقل إلى الموضوع السابق
الموضوع التالي :إنتقل إلى الموضوع القادم

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